The past two (2) years as Club President feels as though they have flown by. And here we go again but they do say third time’s the charm.
I am very honoured to have the support of the members of the club and to continue in this role for another year, especially with this year marking our 60th anniversary.
The video presentation shown earlier is just a small snippet of the club’s history. Our lion members, past and present, have a wealth of knowledge, remarkable experience and some incredible stories to share, not to mention a lot of fond memories and tales that will have you in stitches; many of which will come from Lion Graham as he is a fantastic tail twister. I personally have learnt so much from our long serving members.
In the year ahead, while we look back and reflect on our 60 year history, we need to continue to promote how we are supporting the community and educating others about who we are as Lions and how we can help. It’s amazing how many people still don’t know about Lions and the work that is carried out locally, nationally and internationally.
In the next 12 months, we will continue to work on the projects that are important to our lion members and benefit the community most, and look at potentially starting new projects based on feedback and ideas discussed in recent months including domestic violence, increasing our support for homelessness and of course the infamous op shop idea.
However, my primary goal for the club this year, or maybe it’s a mission … is along with a number of other members, I am determined to find a Lions Den for our club and this is the year we will hopefully make it happen. This time next year, before I hand over the charter to the next President, I’m hoping I will be reporting on our new home, one filled with all the items that are currently filling my lounge room, hallway and garage, plus the many homes of other members. Our club has a very rich history that should be on display, not in storage.
Thank you again for your support. I look forward to the year ahead and seeing what we can achieve together. Thank you.
Petrea Stacey
Club President