The Project

In 2020, The Lions Club of the City of Adelaide officially formed a partnership with Techspace Learning.

Our Club provides funding for a partial scholarship to assist disadvantaged members of the community who may wish to take advantage of the services/workshops offered by Techspace Learning at their Adelaide site.

To apply for the scholarship, please visit the Techspace Learning website and complete the application form, which will be followed by an interview.


About Techspace Learning

Techspace Learning run Arduino workshops in the Adelaide region (South Australia) based around the Arduino platform. The purpose of the Arduino workshops is to empower the participants with enough knowledge to continue their exploration of robotics and programming beyond these workshops at their own pace. The Arduino workshops start from the very basics, suitable for all ages, and anyone who has no prior experience.

With their focus on hands-on projects, participants learn to troubleshoot problems themselves while learning the building blocks of programming for the Arduino. All required equipment is supplied, all they required are people who are interested to learn.

Techspace Learning L
arduino system