We have had a busy start to 2019 with barbecues and working bees, introducing and inducting new members, welcoming visiting UK Lions, and lots of enquiries for both upcoming events and membership.
We had our first working meeting for the year in mid-January followed a couple days later by our club social night. What a fabulous night at Lion Alex’s house. Members, families and friends enjoyed the beautiful surroundings while sitting by the pool, enjoying Juan’s Award-Winning Paella.
On Sunday February 10th, we held our Hear Me Roar! Project Working Bee at the Comfort Inn Regal Park in North Adelaide. It was great to see so many of our members come along to sew, stuff and socialise. We welcomed members from Adelaide Hellenic Lions Club, Paralowie Lions Club and Prospect-Blair Athol Lions Club. It is fantastic to receive so much interest and support from other Lions. We had 32 lions and friends come along and participate throughout the day, including four children, a couple of which enjoyed throwing the cushions and stuffing around.
Lion Tony, Andrew & Petrea, accompanied by Lion Marilyn, travelled to Clare on February 16th to attend the Guiding Lions Certified Course. This course certifies Lions to assist clubs who are starting up or need support, when assigned by the District Governor.
Our club members, along with District Governor Phil Bowman and a few friends, cooked up a storm on three consecutive Wednesday afternoons at the TAFE SA city campus. It was fantastic supporting the staff and students during their welcome weeks. A fourth event was then held at the TAFE SA Regency campus. We look forward to developing our relationship with TAFE SA and working together again in the future.
On Tuesday February 19th, The Little Roarers Cubs Club was launched at Annesley Junior School. Led by President Andrew, we were joined by Principal Luke, DG Phil, VDG Tony, Lions Petrea, Marilyn, Ray and Alex. 15 children were inducted as charter cubs, Indiana was elected President and Bethany was elected Vice President. It was a fantastic event, and we are excited to see what these bright young cubs can do.
Warren led his team of lions at the Hutt street centre breakfast on Thursday February 21st. The team included lots of new faces, and they did an outstanding job.
The Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) was held in Adelaide on February 22-24th. Lions Andrew, Petrea and Ray attended the three-day course. They participated in a number of sessions including team work, leadership, public speaking, diversity, motivation, facilitating change and much more. The sessions were informative, interactive and fun. They built structures out of balloons, elected roles by snowball fight, and challenged topics of discussion. It was wonderful to meet so many lions from different clubs and districts, share ideas, learn about a wide range of projects and problem solve together. They didn’t just meet and network with other lions, but they actually made new friends which they will stay in contact with and support each other through their journey in lions.
Prospect Blair-Athol Lions Club held their 55th anniversary dinner on February 25th. Lions Tony and Marilyn represented our Club at the event. Congratulations to President Gary Pavolich on being awarded a Melvin Jones Fellow. Well deserved.
Thank you to all our members, partners and friends who have attended or assisted in the events over the past two months. Your support and involvement is always appreciated by both the club and the community.