The Lions Club of the City of Adelaide is proud to sponsor the ‘South Australian Citizen’s Award’, and to present it annually with the South Australia Police to the person who performs extraordinary service to assist police in the performance of their duties.
The award consists of an individual shield, a perpetual shield, and a framed citation outlining the basis for the nomination.
The recipient is selected from nominations submitted by Local Service Areas, branches and sections of SAPOL across the State. Nominations are based on letters and Certificates of Appreciation which may have been presented to members of the public in recognition of assistance given to SAPOL in the performance of police duties during the past year. This year 14 nominations were made and adjudicated upon by the award selection panel consisting of The Lions Club of the City of Adelaide members and senior SAPOL members, with Acting Commissioner Grant Steven’ ratifying the successful nomination.
It was with great pleasure to officially announce that the South Australian Citizen’s Award for 2013 was awarded to Ms Carina Willson in recognition of her ongoing commitment to assist South Australia Police.
The wording from the award citation reads:
Ms Carina Willson is an inaugural committee member of the Kangaroo Island Blue Light founded in 1996 and since that time has been treasurer of the committee and an active volunteer.
In 2002, Carina joined the sub-committee of the Kangaroo Island Blue Light Dive Camp and has been the driving force behind the success of this initiative.
Carina seeks and raises funds from generous sponsors, and as a spokesperson promotes camp values and objectives to parents, schools and other relevant parties.
She diligently coordinates student participation in the camps by arranging medicals, the issue of dive equipment, ensuring the students are fit and capable of participating in the camp and providing relevant briefings.
Furthermore, she takes on the logistical responsibility for menus, food and cooking.
Carina is the heart and soul of this initiative. Her organisational skills, drive and commitment ensure the camp is run efficiently and safely. Her sole reason for participation is to provide an opportunity for young people. Her personal selfless qualities showcase the spirit of citizenship and volunteering.
The award was presented by the President of The City of Adelaide Lions Club, Tony Pederick OAM, and the Police Commissioner, Gary Burns.