Any club, or organisation, is only as strong as its members. What we have seen during the past year is testament to the heart and the soul of the City of Adelaide Lions Club.
It has been an interesting year. We have seen a change of dinner meeting venue … again, the re-emergence of the lunch time meeting, the loss of two beautiful people who were associate members of our club and very close to many in this club, Doug and Terry Omond, Past President Roy King, and the loss of Grahams wife, Maxine Higgs. We also had the bizarre and still somewhat unfathomable resignation of our 1st VP and the loss of a number of members who have moved interstate. However, we survived!!!
There are many individuals in the club whom contribute to its success, so I’d like to take this opportunity to recognise the outstanding contributions made by a few individuals;
Lion Dean Scott – Dean does a great deal of work behind the scenes, managing the charities trust, keeping the club profile front and centre with different organisations here in Adelaide, and using his extensive networks to secure items, as an example, well price quality wines which once again we will be selling as a club fundraiser. Dean also has been storing and selling cakes throughout the year, and along with other members, has been instrumental with the club’s involvement with the Hutt St Centre.
Immediate Past President Tony Pederick – Tony has been Club Secretary and has taken on organising the convention with an amazing energy and commitment which is truly outstanding. There is a huge amount of work involved and from all reports so far it is shaping up very well. As well as all that work Tony has, as always been just a phone call away when I have needed some sage advice or a sounding board.
Lion Robin Coleman – Robin has taken under his wing the responsibility of running the lunchtime meetings. This has given some members the opportunity to re-engage with the club where as they would otherwise not be able to do so. Robin also contributes in many ways behind the scenes.
Lion Andrew Stacey – Since taking on the role of 1st Vice President, Andrew has done a fantastic job organising the fundraising BBQ’s, Fred’s Van, stepping in to chair meetings when I have been unavailable and been a very willing and dominant force within the club. I assure you the club will be in very good hands next year.
Lion Petrea Stacey – If the club had an engine room, Petrea would be the engine. I don’t think it is an overstatement to say that Petrea is possibly the hardest working member of the club, doing daily administration for the club and ably assisting Lion Tony with Convention matters, managing the club website and Facebook pages, as well as running the Hear Me Roar Project, in itself a massive undertaking. Petrea is also very adept at running a certain president and her help has been both enormously valuable and very much appreciated.
I’m not going to name every member of the club, but Lions Bob Mountford, Greg Kneale, Dean Scott and Rebecca Wright are doing a great job with Mints and Cakes, and Lion Warren Wood once again has done a fantastic job organising the blankets for the homeless this year with his little army of helpers, and has been instrumental with the club’s involvement with the Hutt St Centre.
If I haven’t mentioned your name please don’t think your contribution is of any less value.
As I said in my opening, any club or organisation is only as strong as its members, and despite losing a number of members in the last year we are still going strong, still signing up new members, and with the younger members in the club I’m sure we have a rosy future.
I have the honour of making a couple of presentations today:
- Greg Kneale to commemorate 15 years as a Lion
- Graham Higgs to commemorate 45 years as a Lion
The following Appreciation Awards are to recognise the enormous effort put in by these lions at BBQs, they have both been outstanding in their commitment to helping out at BBQs over the last 12 months:
- Alex Haddad
- Kishan Jeetun
I would also like to say Thank you to last year’s office bearers:
- Immediate Past President & Secretary – Tony Pederick
- 1st Vice President – Andrew Stacey
- Treasurer – Maria Keszler
- IT and Communications – Petrea Stacey
- Youth Affairs & Membership Chairperson – Ray Najar