President Andrew Stacey awarded the following Club Awards for the 2017/18 year at the Club Handover on July 2, 2018.
Merit Certificates
- Lion Warren Wood – the “Warm Me Up Award” for his dedication to our Blankets for the Homeless project
- Lion Lindsay Miller – the “Chuckles Award” for always having a laugh and giving a helping hand
- Lion Matthew Klose – the “Step Up Award” for enjoying meals at dinner meetings and helping at more club events
Significant Service Certificates
- Lion Alex Haddad – for ever-reliably volunteering for events and meetings
- Lion Ray Najar – for his work-horse attitude and work ethic in assisting in events and leadership in meetings
- Lion Marilyn Pederick – for embracing her role this year as a new member, and for organising all the food and items for Club events (and there were A LOT)
- Lion Petrea Stacey – for continuing to be highly dedicated to the future and growth of the club and coordinating the Hear Me Roar! Project
- Lion Tony Pederick – for his phenomenal secretarial and treasury work and commitment to the well being of the club
President’s Award
Lion Sylvia Salagaras was awarded the President’s Award for outstanding contribution to the Lions Club of the City of Adelaide
Lion of the Year Award
This award was reintroduced to the Club this year for the first time since 2010. Members voted for the member they believe deserved to receive this award. The Lion of the Year for 2017/18 was Lion Petrea Stacey.
Melvin Jones Fellow
Lion Warren Wood was awarded the most prestigious Lions award, the Melvin Jones Fellow, for his outstanding dedication and service to the community for over 50 years.
Congratulations to all the award recipients.