Our Lions and supporters have been very busy with the Hear Me Roar! Project as the project is getting bigger and expanding its reach.
In mid-2018, we decided to not only support hospital patients, but to start promoting and encouraging youth literacy amongst disadvantaged children in SA. We contacted libraries and schools who jumped at the chance to help us.
During Book Week and beyond, we collected 1,612 children and teen books. We thank all the families who generously donated their pre-loved books and the many brand-new books too. We were also very fortunate to work with Bendigo Bank Norwood who donated 250 boxes of coloured pencils.
On September 22nd, a few families and Lions got together at Annesley Junior School to sort and pack all these books into donated book bags that our Lions had labelled and decorated. The kids and their parents worked really well and ended up packing 320 book bags. Each bag had 4 books and a comic book, with the majority also having coloured pencils and a pen. Thank you to Principal Luke Ritchie for providing us with a beautiful space, Gillingham Hall, to work.
On September 24th, Lions Andrew and Petrea met with Ian Steel from Kickstart for Kids, to deliver the 320 bags. These book bags will be distributed to vulnerable and disadvantaged primary school aged kids at the Kickstart for Kids camps during these school holidays.
We are also very excited to announce that we are working with a local school whose students and teachers are helping us and the project by making multi-purpose cushions for hospital patients. We look forward to sharing more information about this with you in the near future.
We are excited about the expansion and reach of the project. Stay tuned over the next few months when we have further developments and announcements to share with you.
Don’t forget that we will be holding another sew and stuff working bee at the Comfort Inn Regal Park in North Adelaide on Sunday November 11th 10am – 4:30pm.