We started the month off with our club dinner meeting at the Rydges Adelaide. We welcomed Megan Marotti from the CanDo Group as our guest speaker. Megan shared her experiences growing up, what CanDo are all about and the services they provide, and she taught us some Auslan (Australian Sign Language). It was informative and a lot of fun, with a few interesting interpretations of signing. We also inducted our new member, Hideki.
We received a very generous donation for our blankets for the homeless project. A big thank you to the staff at Cibo in Bank Street for donating your tips for an entire month. This enabled us to purchase and distribute more blankets to those in need. Thank you.
Vice District Governor Tony and President Petrea visited Kapunda Lions Club. It was great to visit a country club, meet the members and have a lovely home-style cooked meal. It is great to meet so many people and see how other clubs run their meetings, hear about their projects, and share ideas.
Warren and his team of volunteers helped at another early morning breakfast at the Hutt Street Centre this month. We also ran a Bunnings BBQ at Kent Town in partnership with Dementia Australia.
Lions Andrew and Petrea ended the month by attending, and supporting, the Lions Club of Athelstone’s “Mock Wedding” fundraiser. It was an interesting evening that the club ha put a lot of time and effort into putting on. There was certainly a lot of laughs, and dancing. An entertaining evening.