Greetings to you All.
In the second half of 2019, our enthusiastic Cubs, led by President Imogen and Vice President Lucy did some really great work.
We partnered with the Salvos for a collection drive which saw our 15 members collect 38 bags of donated goods which we were paid by Salvos for each bag. The money raised was used to purchase ingredients so we could make sweet treats as a thank you to all our Lions volunteers attending the district conference at Wallaroo last November. Some of you may even had the opportunity to sample our product. Personally, I felt so proud of what we achieved. I was also very appreciative of the work done by Petrea, Nikki and our Cubs. It is their continual effort that keeps our Cubs club going.
The opportunity to make a difference is one of the reasons I ran for President and with Indiana elected as Vice President, 2020 was set to be a productive year.
A highlight for our Cubs was visits from was our sponsored puppy Spud while we followed his journey to become a Lions Hearing Dog. We were lucky enough to have him visit us several times before he started his training in April which he has now completed. He is due to be placed with his new owner as soon as restrictions are lifted.
Some of our most successful project work has been our ongoing collection of glasses, bread tags & bottle caps. I was kept busy continually updating our tally as we easily passed our goal of 500 for each. By the time we passed the thousands for bread tags and bottle tops, I think we gave up counting and can now say we’ve collected lots.
For me, through the time of Corona Virus restrictions has been one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve had. It was so disappointing to see our plans stop as we could no longer meet face to face. It has been a time where we had to get creative and try new ways to keep the Cubs engaged to try and continue some of our work. Indiana and I have had some fun doing some great social media posts and although we tried to keep in touch with our Cubs through regular emails, we were not able to generate a lot of response. It has been a great opportunity to try new things and we are looking forward to getting some feedback from the Cubs next term and maybe some ideas we will continue with.
One new idea we have started this term is video calls with residents at the Regis Aged Care Facility. It has had a really positive response by the residents and Indiana and I are looking forward to more of these meetings next term.
So what does the new year look like?
It will be fantastic to get back to face to face meetings next term as this is really the best way for the Cubs club to share ideas, learn and get things done. I am looking forward to getting back on track with our projects. We have some awesome art projects that will use some of our collected bottle tops. We are planning to sell these as a fundraiser. We will also continue to learn Auslan and develop our public speaking skills.
Most importantly, we will be able to get together and share what we were all able to do to help our friends and families get through these challenging times.
Thanks to you all for your continues support. I send you all good wishes for a safe & healthy year for you and your families.
Little Roarer’s Cubs Club @ Annesley Junior School