Happy New Year and what a start to 2021 we have had. It has been a busy one for the Hear Me Roar! Project.
On Sunday, January 10th we held our first project working bee for the year at the Comfort Inn Regal Park in North Adelaide. We had 28 Lions and friends come along throughout the day to help stuff and sew cushions and port pillows ready for distribution to patients, young and old. It was another great day with lots of laughs and of course some pillow throwing. Thank you to all our Lion members who attended, and a special shout out to members from the Lions Clubs of Adelaide Hellenic, Athelstone and Glenside, and cubs from The Little Roarers Cubs Club who all came along to give us a hand on the day.
The following weekend, on the afternoon of both Saturday January 16th and Sunday January 17th, our members got together to clean, label and sort over 2,000 donated children’s books. These books were then packed into hundreds of book bags ready for distribution to disadvantaged and vulnerable children across South Australia. So many books brought back memories from when we were children, and stories we’ve ready to our own children and grandchildren, with a few being read out loud and enjoyed by all.
Stay tuned for more updates during 2021.