Puppy Sponsor Update (Dec 2020)

Name: Maverick Breed: Border Terrier Source: Cherishem Border Terriers Date of Birth: 20 September 2020 Weight: 3.9kg Foster Carer/s: Barbara and Colin I think Maverick was always first in line for a feed from his Mum as he is a chubby little pup! He arrived at ALHD on Monday 23rd November. He spent a few…

Australian Lions Hearing Dogs logo

ALHD Foster Puppy – Maverick

We are excited to announce, and introduce, everyone to Maverick. Maverick is a Border Terrier from Cherishem Kennels and one of the newest members to join the Australian Lions Hearing Dogs foster puppy program. Our Club is very excited to sponsor this gorgeous puppy and to have named him. We look forward to receiving our…

peace poster contestant 1

District Peace Poster Final 2020

The Peace Poster District Final was conducted in a different format this year. Usually, the posters are displayed at the District Convention with Lions casting their votes. This year, the district final was an event in its own right which proved to be a big success. On Saturday November 7th, Lions, partners, students and families…

CFS Cherry Gardens Brigade

Country Fire Service Improves Accessibility

Our club is a proud supporter of Deaf CanDo and CanDo4Kids. Check out this article from Can:Do Group’s magazine SMILE:   COUNTRY FIRE SERVICE IMPROVES ACCESSIBILITY After an unprecedented bushfire season, Cherry Gardens Country Fire Service (CFS) reached out to Deaf Can:Do to facilitate training so that they would be better prepared to communicate and…

Techspace Learning L

Techspace Learning Scholarship

The Lions Club of the City of Adelaide and Techspace Learning have partnered together to provide a scholarship fund to be available to support people who would like to participate in robotics and STEM related activities. The very first recipient of this Lions Scholarship is Hayden. He is 13 years old and is in Year…

Cubs Club award winners

SCASA Awards 2019

On Sunday, October 26th 2019, members of our Lions Club, and The Little Roarers Cubs Club, attended the 2019 Service Clubs Association of South Australia’s Community Service Awards at the Glenelg Golf Club. This is a very special annual event, supported by the South Australian Premier’s Office. We were very excited to have been a…

lions quest logo

Lions Quest 2019 Reflection By Jill

Dear Lions, Firstly, thank you to Lions Adelaide for sponsoring me for the One-Day Teacher Accreditation Program last month. I had worked with the Skills for Adolescence and Skills for Growing  programs in 1990’s so I was keen to see the developments being made since then. The programs have been rewritten to accommodate the Australian…