Lions cooking a bbq

Nov/Dec 2018 Review

Lions Club Presidents and 2nd Vice District Governor Our lions have had a very busy 2018 and the last couple of months have been no different with lots of events throughout November and December; from catered BBQs, to working bees and Christmas parties. A big thank you to all our Lions and friends who volunteered…

September Fred's Van

Sept/Oct 2018 Review

The year is flying by and we were very busy again during September and October. We had lots of events involving many different groups and organisations. We welcomed Libby Kosmala, paralympian, as our guest speaker at our September dinner meeting on September 3rd. We heard inspiring tales from her travels, paralympic experiences and her incredible…

Variety Bash 2018

July/August 2018 Review

Our Lions had a fairly busy couple of months during July and August. We had a variety of different events and a lot of fun. In July we held another BBQ fundraiser at the Kensington YMCA while a sporting event was held. We fed the competitors, coaches and supporters at the event. It was a…

President Andrew Stacey

2018 President’s Report

My President Report for 2018. What a busy year 2017/18 turned out to be. We have many aspects to be proud about. I have personally been very proud and honoured to have held this role for this previous year and the first thing I’d like to say is thank you to you, all of the…

May 2018 Review

May was an epic month for events for The Lions Club of the City of Adelaide. On the 3rd of May, our Lions supported the ‘Paint the Parks & Gardens REaD’ project launch, supporting the Parks Children’s Centre. We cooked up a storm on a cold and wet afternoon/evening for those in attendance. This program is…

Block Party Event in North Adelaide

April 2018 Review

April started off looking like a quiet month, and then the event list started to grow. On the 8th of April, we supported the Adelaide City Council at the old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide, for the Eighty Eight O’Connell Street Party (aka the block party). What a beautifully hot day and a great…

Todd Sloan

March 2018 Review

It was Mad March in Adelaide, with the Fringe Festival and a whole range of other events and festivals around the city and the state. Adelaide Hellenic Lions Club jumped right into Mad March and held the Glendi Festival in Victoria Square. What an amazing event! A number of members from the City of Adelaide…

City Holden Meet the Drivers

January / February 2018 Review

January was a quiet start to the year, with Fred’s Van being our only event outside of Club meetings for the month. Approximately 80 clients were served at Fred’s Van this month. February proved to be a little busier. In February, our members visited the Hutt Street Centre to assist with their Thursday morning breakfast.…