The Hear Me Roar! Project is the signature project of The Lions Club of the City of Adelaide and was founded in 2016 after initial discussions and planning during 2015.
The Hear Me Roar! Project is all about:
Smile – Appreciate – Encourage – Support
Help others find Strength and Courage, and Roar like a Lion!
The project initially started with making multi-purpose heart shaped cushions for patients, young and old, and putting together care packs. The project quickly expanded to include personality cushions for kids, and port pillows to be attached to seat belts to provide comfort in the car for anyone with a chest, or abdominal, trauma/surgical or incision site/port etc.
Our special cushions and port pillows have been delivered across South Australia, including 10 hospitals, and more than 10 clinics and support organisations.
In 2018, we extended our reach by donating our cushions to families and organisations that support disadvantaged and vulnerable children, including children in foster care. Our cushions can be found all over South Australia providing comfort and making people smile and feel empowered.
In 2018, we also added a new initiative to the project to support youth literacy. We purchase, and collect, new and second-hand books. We then clean, label, and sort these books before putting them into book bags ready to be donated. To date, we have donated 2,084 book bags (each containing 4 books) with a total of 8,336 books, across SA.
Earlier this year, every child at Elizabeth Vale Primary School received their own bag of books. We continue to receive hundreds of books each month and make regular deliveries. And more recently, we donated cushions and book bags to the Tom’s Court Hotel to support those in quarantine at the medi-hotel.
Our project continues to grow as we make headbands (with buttons to hook masks on during the pandemic to protect behind the ears), scrunchies, baby bibs, book bags and much more.
We have formed many partnerships in the community and continue to do so. We value the support of other Lions Clubs who donate to our project and attend our working bees; their support is invaluable. We look forward to sharing more exciting developments that are currently in the works with you soon as our project continues to support individuals, families, various community groups and organisations across our amazing state.
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